Friday, June 13, 2008


This time we are going to descus a new technique for me (Maybe you know it from before ) that i find very cool and can produce great images like this one

PhotoMerge (A.K.A Image stitching) is the ability to combine more than one picture together so that a wide bigger picture is formed (like using a wide angel lens...but for the ppl who can't aford it) like a panorama.

to produce such images you have to follow the follwing steps:

  1. take a couple of shots for the view you want, make sure that they form a sequence and try to maintain the same horizone in all of them
  2. Now go to photoshop>File>Atomate>Photomerge>Browse>.. then open all the pictures that you want to be included in the merge process.
  3. tick the Blend images together, and select the best way you want it to be from the options on the left and press OK
  4. now just wait till it's finished and corp the size you want (also make further editing).

and here we go.... it's that easy

see more panorama images and photomerge in the Flickr Photomerge group

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