Tuesday, May 6, 2008

DIY Macro Lab

This is my edition of DIY table-top studio.

1- Box with any size (how big do you want it?!!)
2- Sheets of posterboard, a white page with the same size of the box

Ready to Go...!

1- Cut lines parallel to the box edge, (notice leaving 1 cm. to keep a firm foramtion of the box, so it wont break down like mine)

2- Continue cutting as directed by the blue lines.

"as you can see, i've used my blender box"

3- Glue the posterboard in the box (make sure you faroce a curve, not a right angel. so pictures would have smother looks)

4- you can add extra windows from the sides to allow more light to the subject.

Share your edition with us in the comments.